Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April Snow Showers Bring May…Flowers?

With winter sticking around longer than usual in Wisconsin it’s hard to see past the snow, rain, and ice.  On the sunny side, spring is around the corner, bringing an abundance of opportunities to be active outdoors.  Physical activity is an important aspect of being healthy and the next few months will be the ideal time to get out and enjoy some fresh air.
Exercise improves the body’s ability to be active throughout the lifespan by working the heart, lungs, and muscles.  Exercise is also a stress reliever, providing a sense of wellbeing and lifting your mood.  With the added benefit of sunshine and warmer temperatures, it’s time to head outside to continue a healthy lifestyle.  Take a walk or go hiking, start cleaning the yard, and begin preparing the garden for another season of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Being active outdoors will help improve overall health and wellbeing, so get some fresh air today and start enjoying the warmer temperatures that are finally on their way!
For more ideas and to learn about the added benefits of outdoor activities read this article:

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