Monday, March 18, 2013

Chronic Disease and Million Hearts™

Save your heart, take the Million Hearts pledge, and celebrate American Heart Month

FACT 1: The leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease followed by stroke, the fourth leading cause of death.
FACT 2: Chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke can be prevented which is exactly what
Million Hearts™ is promoting.  By 2017 this national initiative launched by the Department of Health and Human Services is striving to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes.
re:TH!NK your choices:  Effects of unhealthy lifestyle choices are evidenced by increasing disease rates in the United States. 
The problem with unhealthy choices is that overtime continuous unhealthy choices add up and eventually lead to chronic diseases like heart disease and stroke.  re:TH!NK promotes opportunities to be active, eat smarter and lead drug free lives, however, the ultimate goal can sometimes be overlooked.  Healthy choices will lead to weight loss and decrease hypertension, cholesterol, and stress which are all risk factors for developing a chronic disease. Living with a chronic disease not only decreases an individual’s quality of life but also costs tons of money in health care costs.  Controlling risk factors through healthy lifestyle choices and creating healthier environments to make those choices are the key to chronic disease prevention—re:TH!NK’s ultimate goal.