Winnebago County has a problem, a heroin problem. But then again, heroin has been sneaking into communities all over the country. Why is this? For us, heroin has been migrating up from Chicago to Milwaukee and taking 41 up to Green Bay, stopping in all communities along the way. Nobody starts off using heroin. A lot of heroin users started abusing prescription pain relievers. While others started with "softer" drugs and moved towards the "harder" drugs.
In 2013, the Oshkosh Police Department, Winnebago Co Health Department, re:TH!NK, Oshkosh Area Community Foundation, and Oshkosh Area United Way formed a partnership to address the heroin problem in the county. Thus, the Winnebago County Heroin Task Force was created. The Task Force focuses on a 4 Pillar approach, Prevention, Harm Reduction, Treatment, and Law Enforcement. Each of these pillars created goals and are addressing them on a local level with local resources.
We cannot arrest our way out of the problem and we cannot force those with heroin addiction into treatment. We need to keep those with addiction safe and meet them where they are at. We also need to understand there is no one size fits all approach to prevention and treatment. The work groups seek out evidence-based programming to address the issues.

The most recent general meeting, on January 15, brought together the Pillar work groups to report their progress. Douglas and Anthony from Rise Together were there to talk about how they overcame heroin addiction and what they are doing for prevention and the recovery community. There was a presentation about 2-1-1, an amazing resource to find assistance for substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, and other services. Also, information about a mentoring program from Boys and Girls Club of Oshkosh was given by Carlea Learman.
Addressing heroin addiction in Winnebago County will take time and effort. Together we can prevent heroin use and addiction, keep those with addiction safe, and help those who are addicted, get proper treatment.
For more information you can visit the Heroin Task Force's webpage. There are links to the minutes of the general meetings and pillar groups, as well as other information.