Tuesday, February 26, 2013

National Nutrition Month is Almost Here

I'm Blogging National Nutrition Month
As February is sliding into a halt, March brings new things to the table including National Nutrition Month®, a campaign for nutritional education and information.  National Nutrition Month® was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to promote healthy, well informed food choices and active lifestyles.   This year’s campaign is inspiring individuals to “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day”.
Approaching food choices in a healthy way is important for the body and mind.  Food provides the fuel energizing physical actions and thought processes occurring nonstop throughout daily activities.  As we move around our bodies are constantly undergoing processes to breakdown the foods we eat into useable energy to fuel our muscles and brains.
Eating healthy is something I find important but I also find value in the foods I like to eat.  Being aware of what you’re taking in is an important step to making healthier food choices.  To me, eating right “my way, everyday” means making sure what I choose is a balance of healthy carbohydrates, fats, and protein while moderating my intake of less healthy choices such as pizza and chocolate.  To compensate for the additional calories I consume, engaging in an active lifestyle allows me to enjoy the foods I like without restricting my choices.  I exercise daily including aerobic exercise such as walking uphill or biking but my true passion is weightlifting to keep my body strong. To me, living actively extends beyond gym time through taking the stairs, parking further away than usual, and taking stretching breaks throughout the day to relax the body and mind.
For each person eating healthy and living actively means different things and can be approached from many different angles.  I challenge you to think critically and determine what your thoughts are on “eating right, your way, every day” and then follow up with this link to get some tips and ideas for improving your healthy food choices: http://www.eatright.org/nnm/handoutsandtipsheets/ 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Goal Setting for Success

Hello everyone, I am Brittany, a Kinesiology student at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh currently interning with re:TH!NK.  You will be seeing bi-weekly blogging updates from me for the next few months while I continue on through my journey here at the Winnebago County Public Health Department! 

Where are you with your new year’s resolution?  We all create personal goals of eating healthier, making more trips to the gym, or losing those last 10 pounds.  Maybe your plan of eating more fruits and vegetables and taking the stairs more often didn't happen how you envisioned it.  Regardless of the outcome, the intention behind these goals is the pursuit of happiness and having a healthier, stronger body to carry you into the future beyond the year of 2013.
How can you stay on track to actually achieve your resolution?  Does it feel like you somehow get sidetracked the moment you think about changing your lifestyle? To have success when trying to achieve a goal, Livestrong.com states, you must have a clear idea of what your objective is, create realistic goals, track your progress, and re-evaluate how you are doing. 
To successfully achieve your resolution the focus should be on setting SMART goals.  SMART goals are: specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and time based.  Make sure your goals are clear and that you can measure them.  Setting goals that are realistic with a deadline will make them achievable.  You can do this by setting one or more short term goals amounting to a long term goal.  Write it out in a journal or notebook and reflect on how great it felt to participate in a group fitness class or the amount of energy you have from eating healthier.  Writing down your goals and then reflecting on them will assist you to achieve your new year’s resolution by creating long lasting lifestyle behavior changes!