re:TH!NK, Winnebago's Healthy Living Partnership, wants to walk the walk, not just talk the talk when it comes to promoting healthy lifestyle choices. That's why re:TH!NK sponsored the "Fox Cities Marathon Challenge" this year hoping to involve our partners in something that shows our community that we're practicing what we preach!
A well deserved "Congrats" and a heart-felt "Thank You" goes out to the nearly 20 re:TH!NK partners that participated in this weekend's
Community First Fox Cities Marathon and Festival of Races events. (Check the race results links to see how everyone did.) Each participant representing re:TH!NK wore a very fashionable (and practical) headband with the re:TH!NK logo on the front. Thanks also to Sports Graphics in Menasha for getting us our headbands in time!
re:TH!NK boasted two relay teams (team "re:TH!NK" and team "re:TH!NK Winnebago Alcohol"), four participants in the half marathon, three participants in the 5k, and one in the full marathon. To those who might not know, that lone full marathoner, Fred Umland, recently retired from the Winnebago County Human Services Department. He is part of a group of about 20 that have ran in every Fox Cities Marathon (that 20+ years of marathons)! Way to go Fred!!! We are very inspired by you and hope others are too and look foward to the Marathon Challenge again next year.